Topo, Measured Building, Drone Capture & Imagery | Heritage Surveys at Towneley Hall Museum

Set in 445 acres of parkland, Towneley Hall dates back to 1620 and currently houses a museum and gallery space.


  • Topographical
  • Measured Building
  • Drone Capture
  • Terrestrial Imagery
  • Herritage Surveys

A programme of major repair work is currently underway to ensure the condition of the building for future generations to enjoy the museum and historic surroundings.  To assist conservators in enabling repair works to be managed and undertaken, a series of detailed surveys were commissioned of both the external and internal fabric of the building.

Using a range of survey techniques, Met GeoEnvironmental captured the full fabric of the museum and produced a suite of drawings including rectified photography and fine scale reflected ceiling plans within the Great Hall.  To capture high level plasterwork detail an extendable tripod was used to raise our laser scanner up to 5m height.

The survey offered up many challenges including controlling the different survey techniques without damaging or marking the fabric of the building.

All survey work was undertaken without impacting on the day to day operations of the museum and gallery.  Our staff took care to explain what they were doing to visitors to the grounds and museum.