Continuing our series on brownfield developments, we look at continuing site investigation past desktop studies and utility mapping to the techniques used specifically for brownfield reconnaissance and targeted non-intrusive investigation.
You can read the previous blogs in this series here:
But now, we move onto stages 3 and 4 of site investigation…
Conducting a brownfield reconnaissance survey is a cost effective method to further enhance and develop the profile of a site, prior to development.
We have discussed the advantages of a topographical survey of a brownfield site in previous blogs. As well as this land based survey, a geophysical survey using electromagnetic conductivity and magnetic techniques can also be conducted, to map the physical and chemical properties of the ground.
Geophysical techniques allow rapid data collection, meaning that whole sites can be characterised in a matter of hours or days. The data obtained in a survey may not be completely conclusive but it will provide a basic level of information. This information will enable geophysicists and engineers to interpret the underlying nature of the ground, and identify the areas requiring further investigation.
Initial reconnaissance surveys can identify features within the site that are of interest or are uncertain in nature. If this is the case, the geophysicists and engineers conducting the work may recommend a targeted geophysical survey on specific areas. This targeted investigation uses more in-depth geophysical techniques, including:
These in-depth geophysical investigations will provide a clearer understanding of where intrusive investigation and monitoring or mitigation is needed.
If you’d like more information on our Brownfield site investigation services, contact us on 0113 200 8900 or complete the contact form on our website.
Next week we’ll look at intrusive investigation and monitoring and remediation.
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